All Sorted Out Blog
Catch Up On Our Latest Thinking …
Focus on the Foyer
The entrance foyer or hallway is where visitors gain their first impression of your home.
Entrance Hall Sanity
We work with you and enhance your own household items, so there’s a place for everything, but it’s not everywhere.
Easter Wardrobe Makeover
The Easter break is a good time to catch up with some “me” chores.
How to achieve a stress free move
“I’ll never move again”, wailed a friend at her new abode when it looked like this photo, weeks after moving in.
Office in a closet
In this hi tech world we spend more time than ever before in our office or at least working on our computer in some part of the house.
Paper Shuffling
Your desk may not look as pristine as this but if your paper work overwhelms you here are some guidelines for trimming the amount of paper you retain and keeping you organised.